The requirement for this project was to develop a design that can be easily replicated by others with digital fabrication methods through open source channels. 
Frank is an interactive ambient light that can be adjusted by turning the lid. An ultrasonic sensor determines the strength of the light - the closer the reflective "lid" is to the base, the dimmer the lighting is, and brighter the farther away it is. The mirror surface under the lid creates ambience by reflecting the ring of light from the base. Frank can be conveniently replicated by 3D printing the threaded rod and laser-cutting 6mm MDF which is to be stacked. The code for the Arduino program can also be freely sourced.
Arduino circuit board testing
Arduino circuit board testing
Lamp can be made by laser cutting layers of MDF and layering them together
Lamp can be made by laser cutting layers of MDF and layering them together
LED lights array
LED lights array

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